La escritora norteamericana Maya Angelou decía “In diversity there is beauty and there is strength”, lo que quiere decir que en la diversidad hay belleza y fuerza. Ayuda a otros adolescentes del mundo a difundir y valorar la diversidad y contribuir con crear un mundo más tolerante e inclusivo.
Tu reto: Informar acerca de las acciones que tú crees que pueden realizarse para difundir y valorar la diversidad en nuestras comunidades mediante una portada y artículo de revista en inglés.
Challenge: Create a magazine cover and write a short article about diversity.
Step 1: Write your first paragraph about activities you can do to promote diversity.
Paragraph 1:
Write your topic sentence, at least 2 supporting sentences and a concluding sentence for paragraph number 1.
- Topic sentence
- Supporting sentence
- Concluding sentence
Step 2: Make your second paragraph about what you can’t do if you want to promote diversity.
Step 3: Create your cover and add pictures.
Step 4: Organize your paragraphs in the article and add pictures.
Step 5: Put your cover next to your article.